The key sector that ensures the country’s food security is a comprehensive enhancement of livestock raising, including animal husbandry. The intensification of dairy production leads to increased metabolic stress in animals. Under such conditions, any technological failure can result in a disorder of the metabolism in cows and the development of metabolic diseases, including ketosis (acetonemia). Ketone bodies in the calf’s body produce an intoxicating effect on its body. The purpose of the study was to analyze the metabolism of young animals (calves) from cows with ketosis. The studies were performed on two groups of newborn young black-and-white breeds. In the biochemical assay of blood, the indicators of protein metabolism (total protein, albumins, globulins), glucose, acetone (ketone) bodies, triglycerides were considered, which were fulfilled on the selected young animals at the age of 3, 10 and 15 days. It was revealed that the condition of the metabolic processes in the body of young cows with ketosis differs considerably from the studied indicators of the metabolism of young cows of healthy cattle. By the 15th day of life, the following indicators were found in the blood of young cows with ketosis: total protein-56.3±2.7 g / l, albumins-57.40±4.14%, betta-globulins-20.59±5.84%, gamma-globulins-11.42±1.66 %, triglycerides-0.44±0.02 mmol/l, acetone bodies-1.26 ±0.06 mmol/l, glucose-5.54±0.25 mmol/l. Conclusion: the calves with metabolic pathology are born from cows with ketosis. It is characterized by dysproteinemia, a high content of ketones and a lower concentration of triglycerides in the blood comparing to the similar animals born from healthy cows.