Summary: Develop a comprehensive program for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of intestinal adhesive obstruction. Analyzed the results of diagnosis and treatment of 60 patients with acute adhesive intestinal obstruction. The diagnostic program included clinical, laboratory, X-ray and ultrasound diagnostics. Local barrier prevention of peritoneal adhesive disease was performed with a solution of polyethylene glycol 4000 according to the method developed by us.
Conservative therapy was effective in 19 (31.7%) cases. 41 (68.3%) patients with a progression of adhesive ileus were operated. Laparoscopic adheolysis was performed in 4 (9.8%) patients. In 37 (90.2%) cases, surgical treatment was performed in the traditional method. The proposed diagnostic and treatment program with priority use of ultrasound diagnostics allows in a short time to establish a detailed diagnosis of adhesive intestinal obstruction and to determine the indications for surgical treatment. Intraoperative use of hypotonic solution polyethylene glycol 4000 allows to reliably prevent the development of peritoneal adhesive disease and adhesive obstruction.