Transverse testicular ectopia (TTE) is a rare anomaly where both gonads descend towards the same side of the hemiscrotum. Although more than 100 cases of TTE are reported, TTE with fused vas are extremely rare. We present our series of 4 TTE patients with fused vas [4, 7, 9 and 26 months old]. Three cases were diagnosed at the time of inguinal exploration and one during a planned laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair. An indirect inguinal hernia with TTE was noted with a fused proximal vas deferens in all 4 cases [Figure 1]. Inguinal herniotomy, ipsilateral orchidopexy along with contralateral transeptal orchidopexy (testis brought down through the inguinal canal on the same side of hernia) [Figure 2] was performed in all patients without any complication. None of the patients had uterine tissue. Testicular biopsies, Array and karyotyping (46XY) were normal in all 4 patients. Follow-up ultrasound doppler scans revealed normal testes with good vascularity in all patients. Fused vas with TTE is rare but transeptal orchidopexy is feasible with excellent outcome.