The presence of undescended testis predisposes to the development of an inguinal hernia due to the persistent processus vaginalis. This coexistence is not very rare in the paediatric population. Here, we report an adult man who presented with inguinal hernia and an intra-abdominal testis and successfully underwent an extended totally extraperitoneal (e-TEP) approach for extraperitoneal exploration of the testis in the left iliac fossa, and orchidectomy along with inguinal hernia repair. Review of the literature revealed only two case reports in which TEP has been used in the treatment of undescended testis in adults, and in both cases, the testes were intracanalicular. This case, as per our extensive bibliographical research, is the first reported case of an intra-abdominal testis, with descent arrested at the iliac fossa, explored using e-TEP along with inguinal hernia repair. Such minimally invasive procedures may be offered to the patients without the risks of intraperitoneal entry.