Let κ be a regular uncountable cardinal, and λ a cardinal greater than κ with cofinality less than κ. We consider a strengthening of the diamond principle ♦ κ,λ that asserts that any subset of some fixed collection of λ + elements of P κ (λ) can be guessed on a stationary set. This new principle, denoted by ♦ κ,λ [λ + ], implies that the nonstationary ideal on P κ (λ) is not 2 (λ + ) -saturated. We establish that if λ is large enough and there are no inner models with fairly large cardinals, then ♦ κ,λ [λ + ] holds. More precisely, it is shown that if 2 (κ ℵ 0 ) ≤ λ + and both Shelah's Strong Hypothesis SSH and the Almost Disjoint Sets principle ADS λ hold, then ♦ κ,λ [λ + ] holds. The paper also contains ZFC results. Suppose for example that 2 κ ≤ λ + , there is a strong limit cardinal τ with cf(λ) < τ ≤ κ, and either κ is a successor cardinal greater than ρ +3 , where ρ is the largest limit cardinal less than κ, or κ is a limit cardinal and σ κ < λ < (σ κ ) +κ for some cardinal σ ≥ 2. Then ♦ κ,λ [λ + ] holds.