We present a lattice gas model that without fine tuning of parameters is expected to exhibit the so far elusive modified Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class. To this end, we review briefly how non-linear fluctuating hydrodynamics in one dimension predicts that all dynamical universality classes in its range of applicability belong to an infinite discrete family which we call Fibonacci family since their dynamical exponents are the Kepler ratios z i = F i+1 /F i of neighbouring Fibonacci numbersF i , including diffusion (z 2 = 2), KPZ (z 3 = 3/2), and the limiting ratio which is the golden mean z ∞ = (1 + √ 5)/2. Then we revisit the case of two conservation laws to which the modified KPZ model belongs. We also derive criteria on the macroscopic currents to lead to other non-KPZ universality classes.