Abstract. We consider a sequence X n = (X n t ) t≥0 , n ≥ 1 of semimartingales. Each X n is a weak solution to an Itô equation with respect to a Wiener process and a Poissonian martingale measure and is in general non-Markovian process. For this sequence, we prove the large deviation principle in the Skorokhod space D = D [0,∞) . We use a new approach based on of exponential tightness. This allows us to establish the large deviation principle under weaker assumptions than before.Main notationsthe set of stopping times (relative to a filtration F not exceeding L;the Skorokhod space of all right continuous, having left hand limits real valued functionsthe space of all right continuous functions fromthe Lindvall-Skorokhod metric on D;" P − → ′′ , convergence in probability; x ∧ y = min(x, y), x ∨ y = max(x, y);1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 60F10.