Let ξ 1 , ξ 2 , . . . be independent random variables with distributions F 1 , F 2 , . . . in a triangular array scheme (F i may depend on some parameter). Assume that Eξ i = 0, Eξ 2 i < ∞, and put S n = n i=1 ξ i , S n = max k≤n S k . Assuming further that some regularly varying functions majorize or minorize the "averaged" distribution F = 1 n n i=1 F i , we find upper and lower bounds for the probabilities P(S n > x) and P(S n > x). We also study the asymptotics of these probabilities and of the probabilities that a trajectory {S k } crosses the remote boundary {g(k)}; that is, the asymptotics of P(max k≤n (S k − g(k)) > 0). The case n = ∞ is not excluded. We also estimate the distribution of the first crossing time.