Strong evidence suggests that classical trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is caused by a focal insult on the trigeminal root, usually due to neurovascular compression (NVC), justifying microvascular decompression (MVD) as the first neurosurgical option [29].High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences (three-dimensional [3D] T2-weighted, 3D time-offlight magnetic resonance angiography, and 3D T1-weightedgadolinium, in association) revealed effective for depicting the fine trigeminal neurovascular anatomy, of paramount importance for planning MVD [18]. Also, structural abnormalities-such as nerve deviation, groove formation, or atrophy-can be seen in a large number of cases with TN [12]. Volume and cross-sectional area measurements obtained by MRI were significantly smaller on the affected nerves than on the unaffected nerves [19]. Pathological examination of specimens collected during surgery showed axonal loss and demyelination [11], but these morphological changes can be difficult to interpret.As diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is able to assess tissue integrity, this method has been applied to the study of abnormalities in white matter tracts, independent of their cause. DTI quantifies the amount of non-random water diffusion within tissues and provides unique in vivo information about the pathological processes that affect water diffusion as a result of microstructural damage [2]. Fraction of anisotropy (FA) and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) represent the two main DTI indices that are most widely used. FA describes how much molecular displacements vary in space and is related to the presence of oriented structures [28]. ADC, expressed as square millimeter per second, characterizes the overall mean-squared displacement of molecules and the overall presence of obstacles to diffusion [2, 28].These evidences motivated several studies to examine structural abnormalities in the trigeminal nerve (TGN) of patients with TN using FA [5-7, 9, 10, 13-15, 17, 22-25, 30] and ADC [7,13,17,[23][24][25]. Most of the studies examining FA by comparing the affected and unaffected sides of patients and controls revealed a significant decrease in FA values [5-7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 22-25]. Chen et al., Leal et al., and Lummel et al. reported a significant elevation in ADC values in the affected sides of patients [7,17,23]. Other three studies did not find differences in ADC values between affected and unaffected sides of patients and controls [13,24,25]. Concerning only DTI studies about TN caused by NVC, six articles found a significant decrease in FA values [14,17,[22][23][24][25] and two a significant increase in ADC values [17,23] in the affected nerves.The measurement of FA and ADC provides robust values for quantifying the degree of microstructural abnormalities of TGN. Degeneration or damage of white matter tracts is expected to result in reduced FA, owing to the loss of directionality of diffusion and increase in ADC, that is due to diffusivity being averaged in all spatial directions as a result of the los...