An actuator surface model (ASM) to be employed to simulate the effect of a vertical axis turbine on the hydrodynamics in its vicinity, particularly its wake is introduced. The advantage of the newly developed ASM is that it can represent the complex flow inside the vertical axis turbine's perimeter reasonably well, and hence, is able to predict, with a satisfying degree of accuracy, the turbine's near-wake, with a low computational cost. The ASM appears to overcome the inadequacy of actuator line models to account for the flow blockage of the rotor blades when they are on the up-stream side of the revolution, because the ASM uses a surface instead of a line to represent the blade. The ASM was used on a series of test cases to prove its validity, demonstrating that first order flow statistics-in our study, profiles of the stream-wise velocity-in the turbine's vicinity, can be produced with reasonable accuracy. The prediction of second order statistics, here in the form of the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), exhibited dependence on the chosen grid; the finer the grid, the better the match between measured and computed TKE profiles.Energies 2019, 12, 4741 2 of 16 thus, reducing noise and fish mortality [4]; and finally, the wake generated by a VATT recovers quickly, which is particularly beneficial in the context of turbine array design and optimisation [5].One of the earliest experimental studies on VATTs, from Brochier et al. in 1986 [6], provided a concise description of vortex shedding of VAT blades in a dynamic stall through flow visualisation and velocity profile measurements. Subsequent contributions then built upon these findings to render a comprehensive picture of the processes involved in the formation and recovery of the wake of a rotating VAT [5,[7][8][9][10][11][12][13]; to record quantitative data for use in numerical model validation [5,8,11,12]; and to investigate the performance of different turbines or turbine configurations [9,14]. The flow-dynamics have been shown to be strongly dependent on the tip-speed ratio (TSR) of the turbine, with the Reynolds number having little effect on the wake [7]. At a lower TSR, the turbine blades will undergo large angles of attack which results in greater flow separation on their inner sides leading to large vorticity shedding [11]; the blades will enter dynamic stall on the upstream side of their path, resulting in the shedding of two counter-rotating vortices, from the leading and trailing edges. These vortices are convected downstream by the mean flow, through the rotor's swept area and across the path of the blade, where the blade will interact with them, resulting in an increase in lift [6]. At a higher TSR, the larger relative velocity of the blades reduces the flow separation, and hence the role of the dynamic stall vortices on the turbine's hydrodynamics [4].The kinematics of a turbine governs the extraction of energy from the mean flow, resulting in a velocity deficit behind the rotor, with a greater velocity deficit observed when it is operating at hig...