This contribution focuses on the sequential laminate-based modelling approach for the numerical simulation of the complex electromechanical material behaviour of ferroelectric single crystals. The construction of engineered domain configurations by using the method of sequential lamination in order to study the domain evolution and polarisation switching in ferroelectric single crystals has recently been carried out in the works of [1][2][3][4]. By fulfilling the kinematic and polarisation compatibility conditions between the domain structures in a crystal, the proposed laminate-based formulation is governed by an energyenthalpy function and by a dissipation potential. The mixed energy-enthalpy, written in terms of the total strains, electric field and a set of internal variables, here the multi-rank laminate volume fractions, governs the dissipative electromechanical response of the ferroelectric crystal, whereas the rate-dependent dissipation potential formulated in terms of the flux of the internal variables describes the time-dependent evolution of the multi-rank laminate volume fractions, subjected to inequality constraints. The model reproduces experimentally observed hysteresis and butterfly curves, characteristic for single crystal ferroelectric materials, when subjected to homogeneous electromechanical loading conditions.