Magnetic materials with tilted electron spins often exhibit conducting behaviour that cannot be explained from semiclassical theories without invoking fictitious (emergent) electromagnetic fields.Quantum-mechanical models explaining such phenomena are rooted in the concept of a moving quasiparticle's Berry phase [1,2], driven by a chiral (left-or right-handed) spin-habit. Dynamical and nearly random spin fluctuations, with a slight bent towards left-or right-handed chirality, represent a promising route to realizing Berry-phase phenomena at elevated temperatures[3-6], but little is known about the effect of crystal lattice geometry on the resulting macroscopic observables. Here, we report thermoelectric and electric transport experiments on two metals with large magnetic moments on a triangular and on a slightly distorted kagomé lattice, respectively. We show that the impact of chiral spin fluctuations is strongly enhanced for the kagomé lattice. Both these spiral magnets have similar magnetic phase diagrams including a periodic array of magnetic skyrmions. However, our modelling shows that the geometry of the kagomé lattice, with cornersharing spin-trimers, helps to avoid cancellation of Berry-phase contributions; spin fluctuations are endowed with a net chiral habit already in the thermally disordered (paramagnetic) state. Hence, our observations for the kagomé material contrast with theoretical models treating magnetization as a continuous field [7][8][9][10][11], and emphasize the role of lattice geometry on emergent electrodynamic phenomena.Spin dynamical processes, where chiral magnetic textures appear in a transient fashion, have become experimentally accessible to modern magnetism research with the rise of ultrafast optical and x-ray techniques [12][13][14]. Recent theories emphasize rectification processes facilitated by transient spin arrangements: during their rapid movement on the time-scale of picoseconds, clusters of thermally agitated spins on lattice sites i, j, k are endowed with a local scalar spin chirality, mathematically described as χ = S i • (S j × S k ), whose thermal average χ T , referred to by the shorthand SSC in the following, can be constant in time despite absence of long-range order [4,5,15,16]. The development of design principles for materials with fluctuation-driven SSC, particularly as related to exploitation of common lattice motifs, promises new impulses for controlling heat and charge transport [4,5,15,17], magneto-optical responses [18,19], and the second harmonic generation of light [20]. Mov- *