The orientational distribution of free O-H (O-D) groups at the H 2 O (D 2 O)-air interface is investigated using combined molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and sum-frequency generation (SFG) experiments. The average angle of the free O-H groups, relative to the surface normal, is found to be ~63 o , substantially larger than previous estimates of 30-40⁰. This discrepancy can be traced to erroneously assumed Gaussian/stepwise orientational distributions of free O-H groups. Instead, MD simulation and SFG measurement reveal a broad and exponentially decaying orientational distribution. The broad orientational distribution indicates the presence of the free O-H group pointing down to the bulk. We ascribe the origin of such free O-H groups to the presence of capillary waves on the water surface. Main Text At the interface of water with hydrophobic media, the hydrogen-bond (H-bond) network of water is interrupted, making the O-H groups of the topmost interfacial water molecules dangling (free) from the H-bond network. These free O-H groups are important for determining the energetics of the water surface and are thereby critical for explaining the exceptionally high surface tension of water. Furthermore, free O-H groups provide a unique platform for hydrophobic hydration assembly [1-3], on-water catalysis [4], and growth of aerosol particles [5,6]. As such, there have been many efforts to quantify the number and orientation of free O-H groups at different aqueous interfaces. The free O-H (O-D) groups of interfacial water can be studied experimentally by a sharp peak at ~3700 (~2740) cm-1 in the surface-specific vibrational sum-frequency generation (SFG) spectrum [7-12]. The frequency of the free O-H signal has been examined to determine the interaction strength of the topmost water layer and the hydrophobic medium [13-17]. Moreover, the free O-H SFG response measured with different polarization combinations provides information about their orientation. From the ssp-SFG (shorthand for s, s, and p polarized sum-frequency output, visible input, and infrared input, respectively) and ppp-SFG signals of the free O-H stretch, the averaged angle of the free O-H group at the water-air interface has previously been estimated to 30-40⁰ [17-19]. The orientational distribution of the free O-H group has been concluded to broaden with increasing temperature induced by disordering of the topmost water layer [20,21]. However, to connect the ppp-/ssp-SFG peak amplitudes of the free O-H stretch (A ppp and A ssp , respectively) with the averaged angle of the free O-H group, one needs to assume a functional form for the orientational distribution of the free O-H groups. So far, the distribution has been assumed to be stepwise shaped [18,20,21] or Gaussian shaped [17,19].