The holographic principle in the pp-wave limit proposed in our previous works is further confirmed by studying impurity non-preserving processes which contain a fermionic BMN operator with one scalar and one fermion impurities. We show that the previously proposed duality relation between the matrix elements of the three point interaction Hamiltonian in the holographic string field theory and the OPE coefficients in super Yang-Mills theory holds to the leading order in the large µ limit. Operator mixing is required to obtain the BMN operator of definite conformal dimension which corresponds to the string state with one scalar and one fermion excitations. The mixing term plays a crucial role for our duality relation to be valid. Our results, combined with those in the previous papers, provide a positive support that our duality relation holds for the general process regardless of the kind of impurities and of whether impurities conserve or not.Holography is the key concept to the duality between string theory and gauge theory in the AdS/CFT correspondence. The holographic relation proposed by GKP/W [1] relates the degrees of freedom in the string theory defined in the bulk AdS space and those in the gauge theory defined on the conformal boundary of the AdS spacetime. Based on this proposal, a large amount of work has been done giving many positive supports for this relation [2]. In particular, the non-renormalization property of chiral primary operators has been confirmed [3]. However in the BMN limit of the AdS/CFT correspondence [4], how this holographic relation is realized has not been clear because of the lack of the clear space-time picture.In the previous papers [5,6,7,8], we gave an answer to this problem. We showed that the PP-wave background emerges as the geometry around a tunneling null geodesic, which starts from a point on the AdS boundary and returns to another point on the boundary.This trajectory can be obtained as a dominant path in the large angular momentum limit for the path integral which is expected to give the two point function of gauge theory operators in the GKP/W prescription † . The string/gauge duality in the PP-wave limit can be understood as the correspondence between the oscillation modes of strings around this trajectory and gauge theory operators sitting around its endpoints on the boundary. This picture allows a natural correspondence between an S-matrix calculation on the string theory side and an operator product expansion on the gauge theory side. As for three point functions, with the assumption that the free string basis corresponds to the BMN operators of definite conformal dimension, we proposed a duality relation between the matrix elements of the string interaction Hamiltonian and the OPE coefficients.Our proposal in [7] has an advantage over the previous two types of duality relations, presented in [10, 11] and [12], in that it is applicable to impurity non-preserving cases.Indeed, we checked that our duality relation holds for impurity non-preserving processes which c...