In this paper we discuss two general models of random simplicial complexes which we call the lower and the upper models. We show that these models are dual to each other with respect to combinatorial Alexander duality. The behaviour of the Betti numbers in the lower model is characterised by the notion of critical dimension, which was introduced by A. Costa and M. Farber in [5]: random simplicial complexes in the lower model are homologically approximated by a wedge of spheres of dimension equal the critical dimension. In this paper we study the Betti numbers in the upper model and introduce new notions of critical dimension and spread. We prove that (under certain conditions) an upper random simplicial complex is homologically approximated by a wedge of spheres of the critical dimension.In the case of the lower model one builds the random simplicial complex inductively, step by step, starting with a random set of vertices, then adding randomly edges between the selected vertices, and on the following step adding randomly 2-simplexes (triangles) to the random graph obtained on the previous stage, and so on. Examples are given by the Erdös -Rényi [7] random graphs and their high dimensional generalizations, the Linial, Meshulam, Wallach [14] , [15] random simplicial complexes, as well as random clique complexes [12], [13]. In larger generality the lower model of Michael