“…As mentioned previously, we were encouraged by reports of the successful use of Mitsubobu conditions on preparative scales. – In reviewing these cases, we noted that some of the successful applications involved use in an early-stage reaction of the process where high purity product was not required, was performed on scales that allowed chromatography to be an option, , or upgrade of the crude product was easily achieved by a reslurry . However, there were other examples that used approaches similar to what we were proposing and relied on an acid−base extraction of product away from the Mitsunobu byproduct. ,,,, In our case, we planned to develop a telescoped process that combined the Mitsunobu reaction to generate 10 with N -Boc deprotection of 10 and hoped that at low pH, 11 could be extracted into the aqueous phase, enabling a scaleable method to separate 11 from the triphenylphosphine oxide and hydrazine dicarboxylate byproducts…”