Thorium is an attractive potential fuel owing to its abundance and unique thermal, neutronic, and chemical properties. One way to utilize thorium in block-type advanced high temperature reactors (AHTRs) is to homogenously mix the driver fuel (eg, U-233) with thorium in every fuel kernel of the tristructural-isotropic particles in a fuel block, which is the mixed oxide fuel (MOX) concept. Application of the seed and blanket (S&B) concept, that is, driver fuel in the seed region of a fuel block and thorium in the blanket region, is also another method to utilize thorium. To investigate the differences in the utilization of thorium using the MOX and S&B concepts in AHTRs, their multiplication factors (k ∞ ), discharge burnups, conversion ratios, and reactivity temperature coefficients are compared. The investigated drivers include U-233 (U3), weapons-grade uranium (WU), weapons-grade plutonium (WPu), and reactor-grade plutonium (RPu). The results demonstrate that the MOX block with plutonium drivers has a higher discharge burnup in comparison with the S&B block. When the heavy metal mass is 6 kg and the initial mass of the fissile materials is 0.65 kg per block, the MOX block achieves 27% higher discharge burnup than the S&B block with the RPu driver. In contrast, the S&B block achieves higher discharge burnup in the case of uranium drivers (U3 and WU). The MOX block achieves a higher conversion ratio for all the drivers. Furthermore, the MOX block achieves a stronger negative moderator temperature coefficient of reactivity than the S&B block for all the driver fuels.