Abstract-Distal nephron renin may provide a possible pathway for angiotensin (Ang) I generation from proximally delivered angiotensinogen. To examine the effects of Ang II on distal nephron renin, we compared renin protein and mRNA expression in control and Ang II-infused rats. Kidneys from sham (nϭ9) and Ang II-infused (80 ng/kg per minute, 13 days, nϭ10) Sprague-Dawley rats were processed by immunohistochemistry, Western blot, reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Ang II infusion increased systolic blood pressure (181Ϯ4 versus 115Ϯ5 mm Hg) and suppressed plasma and kidney cortex renin activity. Renin immunoreactivity was suppressed in juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) cells in Ang II-infused rats compared with sham (0.1Ϯ0.1 versus 1.0Ϯ0.1 relative ratio) but increased in distal nephron segments (6.4Ϯ1.4 versus 1.0Ϯ0.1 cortex; 2.5Ϯ0.3 versus 1.0Ϯ0.2 medulla). Tubular renin immunostaining was apically distributed in principal cells colocalizing with aquaporin-2 in connecting tubules and cortical and medullary collecting ducts. Renin protein levels were decreased in the kidney cortex of Ang II-infused rats compared with that of sham (0.4Ϯ0.2 versus 1.0Ϯ0.4) rats but higher in the kidney medulla (1.2Ϯ0.4 versus 1.0Ϯ0.1). In kidney medulla, RT-PCR and quantitative real-time PCR showed similar levels of renin transcript in both groups. In summary, the detection of renin mRNA in the renal medulla, which is devoid of JGA, indicates local synthesis rather than an uptake of JGA renin. In contrast to the inhibitory effect of Ang II on JGA renin, Ang II infusion stimulates renin protein expression in collecting ducts and maintains renin transcriptional levels in the medulla, which may contribute to the increased intrarenal Ang II levels in Ang II-dependent hypertension. Key Words: renin Ⅲ angiotensin II Ⅲ angiotensinogen Ⅲ immunohistochemistry Ⅲ Western blot R enin is synthesized primarily by the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA). 1 However, renin mRNA and protein have been detected in proximal, connecting tubule and collecting duct cells of human and mouse kidneys as well as in extrarenal tissues. [2][3][4][5][6][7] Although regulation of renin synthesis and secretion from JGA cells has been extensively studied, 1,8 -13 very little is known about the regulation of tubular renin. 7,14 -16 Renin formation in tubular segments may have greater importance than previously thought in view of evidence of high concentrations of angiotensinogen (AGT), as well as angiotensin (Ang) I and Ang II in proximal tubule fluid, 17,18 and in view of the enhancement of renal AGT mRNA and protein levels in Ang II-dependent hypertension. 19,20 Recent studies in Ang II-infused hypertensive rats have shown that there is an increased urinary excretion of AGT, 21 which is closely correlated with intrarenal Ang II content. 21 Enhancement of urinary AGT excretion suggests increased distal nephron AGT delivery and subsequent Ang I and Ang II formation as long as there is availability of an adequate...