This paper describes recent results on the development of an improved physics-based computational method for the determination of maneuvering characteristics of fully-configured self-propelled underwater vehicles, with particular emphasis on rotating propulsors, moving appendages and eventually full-scale Reynolds numbers. The scalable parallel solution methodology is briefly described, and results are given for a turning maneuver induced by a 10 degree rudder deflection. Aaditional results are given, including validation of force coefticients for a simple appended hull using both q-o and k--E turbulence models, a notional I I.4 bladed Sirenian propulsor with q+ turbulence model, and a solution with a body-force propulsor model. These simulations demonstrate new capabilities for both design and analysis of maneuvering propelled submarines, which will contribute both predictions andnew understanding that can help improve the design and operational safety of submarines.