The correlation between Ly absorption in the spectra of quasar pairs can be used to measure the transverse distance scale at z $ 2, which is sensitive to the cosmological constant ( à ) or other forms of vacuum energy. Using hydro-PM simulations, I compute the three-dimensional power spectrum of the Ly forest flux, P F ðkÞ, from which the redshift-space anisotropy of the correlation can be obtained. I compute directly the linear theory bias parameters of the Ly forest, potentially allowing simulation results to be extended to arbitrarily large scales. I investigate the dependence of P F ðkÞ on the primordial power spectrum, the temperature-density relation of the gas, and the mean flux decrement, finding that the redshift-space anisotropy is relatively insensitive to these parameters. A table of results is provided for different parameter variations. I investigate the constraint that can be obtained on à using quasars from a large survey. Assuming 13 =1 0 ð Þ 2 pairs at a separation of less than h and including separations less than 10 0 , a measurement to d5% can be made if simulations can predict the redshift-space anisotropy with d5% accuracy or to d10% if the anisotropy must be measured from the data. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) will obtain spectra for a factor of $5 fewer pairs than this, so follow-up observations of fainter pair candidates will be necessary. I discuss the requirements on the spectral resolution and signal-to-noise ratio (SDSS quality spectra are sufficient). I find that a box size of $40 h À1 Mpc and a resolution of $40 h À1 kpc are necessary for convergence of the calculations to d5% on all relevant scales, although somewhat poorer resolution can be used for large scales. Subject headings: cosmology: theory -intergalactic medium -large-scale structure of universemethods: N-body simulations -quasars: absorption lines On-line material: color figures