In this article, the uplink achievable rate is investigated for massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) under correlated Ricean fading channel, where each base station (BS) and user are both deployed multiple antennas. Considering the availability of prior knowledge at BS, two different channel estimation approaches are adopted with and without prior knowledge. Based on these channel estimations, a two-layer decoding scheme is adopted with maximum ratio precoding as the first layer decoder and optimal second layer precoding in the second layer. Based on two aforementioned channel estimations and two-layer decoding scheme, the exact closed form expressions for uplink achievable rates are computed with and without prior knowledge, respectively. These derived expressions enable us to analyze the impacts of line-of-sight (LoS) component, two-layer decoding, data transmit power, pilot contamination, and spatially correlated Ricean fading. Then, numerical results illustrate that the system with spatially correlated Ricean fading channel is superior in terms of uplink achievable rate. Besides, it reveals that compared with the single-layer decoding, the two-layer decoding scheme can significantly improve the uplink achievable rate performance.