In this paper, we apply ∂ steepest descent method to study the Cauchy problem for the focusing nonlinear short-pluse equationwhere H 1,1 (R) is a weighted Sobolev space. We construct the solution of the shortpluse equation via a the solution of Riemann-Hilbert problem in the new scale (y, t).In any fixed space-time cone of the new scale (y, t) which stratify that v1 ≤ v1 ∈ R − and ξ = y t < 0,we compute the long time asymptotic expansion of the solution u(x, t), which prove soliton resolution conjecture consisting of three terms: the leading order term can be characterized with an N (I)-soliton whose parameters are modulated by a sum of localized soliton-soliton interactions as one moves through the cone; the second t −1/2 order term coming from soliton-radiation interactions on continuous spectrum up to an residual error order O(|t| −1 ) from a ∂ equation. Our results also show that soliton solutions of short-pluse equation are asymptotically stable.