We consider the high-dimensional equation {\partial_{t}u-\Delta u^{m}+u^{-\beta}{\chi_{\{u>0\}}}=0}, extending the mathematical treatment made in 1992 by B. Kawohl and R. Kersner for the one-dimensional case.
Besides the existence of a very weak solution {u\in\mathcal{C}([0,T];L_{\delta}^{1}(\Omega))}, with {u^{-\beta}\chi_{\{u>0\}}\in L^{1}((0,T)\times\Omega)}, {\delta(x)=d(x,\partial\Omega)}, we prove some pointwise gradient estimates for a certain range of the dimension N, {m\geq 1} and {\beta\in(0,m)}, mainly when the absorption dominates over the diffusion ({1\leq m<2+\beta}).
In particular, a new kind of universal gradient estimate is proved when {m+\beta\leq 2}.
Several qualitative properties (such as the finite time quenching phenomena and the finite speed of propagation) and the study of the Cauchy problem are also considered.