Several design strategies for feed-forward networks are examined within the scope o f pattern classification. Singleand two-layer perceptron models are adapted for experiments in isolated-word recognition. Direct (one-step) classification as well as several hierarchical (two-step) schemes have been considered. For a vocabulary o f twenty English words spoken repeatedly by eleven speakers, the word classes are found to be separable by hyperplanes in the chosen feature space. Since for speaker-dependent word recognition the underlying data base contains only a small training set, an automatic expansion o f the training material improves the eneralization properties o f the networks. This methoc?accounh for a wide variety o f observable temporal structures for each word and gives a better overall estimate of the network parameters which leads to a recognition rate o f 99.5 %. For speaker-independent word reco nition, a hierarchical structure with pairwise training of?wo-class models is superior to a single uniform network (98 % average recognition rate).