This paper investigates the changes in sensory neural activity during exoskeleton control. Exoskeletons are becoming reliable tools for neurorehabilitation, as recent studies have shown that their use enhances neural plasticity. However, the specific neural correlates associated with exoskeleton control have not yet been described in detail. Therefore, in this pilot study, our aim was to investigate the effects of different pavement textures on the neural signals of participants (n = 5) while controlling a lower limb ExoAtlet®-powered exoskeleton. Subjects were instructed to walk on various types of pavements, including a flat surface, carpet, foam, and rubber circles, both with and without the exoskeleton. This setup resulted in eight different experimental conditions for classification (i.e., Exoskeleton/No Exoskeleton in one of four different pavements). Four-minute Electroencephalography (EEG) signals were recorded in each condition: (i) the power of the signals was compared for electrodes C3 and C4 across different conditions (Exoskeleton/No Exoskeleton on different pavements), and (ii) the signals were classified using four models: the linear support vector machine (L-SVM), the K-nearest neighbor algorithm (KNN), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and the artificial neural network (ANN). the results of power analysis showed increases and decreases in power within the delta frequency bands in electrodes C3 and C4 across the various conditions. The results of comparison between classifiers revealed that LDA exhibited the highest performance with an accuracy of 85.71%. These findings support the notion that the sensory processing of pavement textures during exoskeleton control is associated with changes in the delta band of the C3 and C4 electrodes. From the results, it is concluded that the use of classifiers, such as LDA, allow for a better offline classification of different textures in EEG signals, with and without exoskeleton control, than the analysis of power in different frequency bands.