“…Chow and Walsh (1992) proposed a relationship between L. analis and L. vivanus and the summary compilation by (Richards et al,1994) added three genera and four species to the list of known snappers. Lee andCheng (1996), Ovenden, Salini, O'conor, andStreet, (2004), Zhang et al, (2004), Rosmilah, Shahnaz, Masita, and Noormalin, (2005), Jongjareonrak, Benjakul, Visessanguan, Nagai, and Tanaka, (2005), Guo, Wang, Liu, Liu, and Liu, (2007), Yılmaz, Ramazan, and Ali (2007), Nirchio et al, (2008) and Rocha and Molina (2008) have provided evidence of the sub-structuring of snappers. Vasconcellos, Viana, Paiva, Schama, and Sole-Cava (2008) based on morphometric, allozymes and mitorchondiral DNA (Control region) analysis identified a single Brazilian stock, revealing significant levels of genetic sub-structuring between populations from Belize and Brazil.…”