Irradiation of ortho-benzylbenzophenone leads to the formation of two (E,E and Z,E) out of the possible four photoenols. Laser flash photolysis studies show that the process involves the intermediacy of a short-lived biradical (τ∼50 ns in methanol) that decays concurrently with the formation of the photoenols. The Z,E enol is very short lived and decays by an allowed 1,5-hydrogen shift to regenerate the starting material; its lifetime is < 30 ns, 280 ns, 1.4 µs, and 90 ns, in benzene, acetonitrile, methanol, and trifluoroethanol, respectively. The Z,E enol is stabilized in hydroxylic solvents, although the acidity of trifluoroethanol seems to promote reketonization. E,E Enol lifetimes range from 80 µs (trifluoroethanol) to 47 µs (benzene) and its decay involves cyclization leading to 10-phenylanthrone following oxidation of the appropriate dihydroanthracene formed initially.