The volumes of Chinese hamster V279-171b multicellular spheroids grown in spinner culture were measured and correlated to DNA distribution and cell volume distribution information. Spheroid growth curves were obtained over a 21-day period using both electronic cell volume measurements and microscope micrometer sizing. The spheroids were collected from the aperture tube after electronic sizing, and single cell suspensions were prepared via trypsinization. Saline-washed cells were then stained with mithramycin and analyzed as unfixed or ethanol-fixed cells for both cell volume and DNA fluorescence measurements. Spheroid growth was determined to have an initial 8-to 9-day rapid growth phase, and a Tumor growth and growth delay measurements as well as cell-cycle measurements have been widely used as tumor biology end points (8,21,23). A better understanding of tumor kinetics might result from detailed correlative information for tumor growth dynamics in relation to cell-cycle kinetic properties of subpopulations comprising the tumor.Multicellular spheroids are of intermediate complexity, between in uztro monolayer cultured cells and subclinical size in uiuo nodular tumors or early metastatic foci. Spheroids are comprised of heterogeneous subpopulations (6,7) and provide a useful cell system for studying growth dynamics by electronic volume (2) ( i e . , Coulter principle) and for monitoring the cytokinetic DNA distribution and cell volume distributions of cells which comprise the spheroids. To date, electronic cell volume, enumeration and sizing (2) of single mammalianPerformed under the auspices of the United States Department of Energy, with joint support from Grant 2258501 from the National Cancer Institute, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.Presented at Automated Cytology VII, Asilomar, California, November 25-30, 1979. slow phase from 10 to 21 days. The single cell volume distributions of cells obtained from spheroids were dependent on spheroid volume and the relative proportions of small volume noncycling cells to large volume cycling cells comprising the spheroids were also dependent on spheroid volume. DNA distribution data and dual parameter DNA distribution cell volume contour patterns obtained for single cells dissociated from spheroids were closely related to the measured spheroid volume and revealed that the fraction of small, hypoxic Go-like cells was greatest in old, large spheroids.Key terms: Spheroids, cytokinetic, flow cytometry, DNA distributions, cell volume cells have been extensively used and the underlying theory described (1, 2, 12, 24, 25). Conventional Coulter-type apertures having 10-2000 pm diameter orifices are available for single cell and large particle sizing (14). Various reports have described the usefulness of measuring cell volume in relation to cell-cycle information separately (13,15,18,28) and in coincidence with other parameters (3, 12,19,22,27).In the present report, the growth of V279-171b Chinese hamster lung multicellular spheroids were studied and correlated...