A 55 year old man had uneventful simultaneous LASIK. Seven months postoperatively, the patient came with complaints of a decrease in vision, photophobia, tearing, discomfort, and red eye during the last 2 weeks in the left eye. Suspicion was foreign body hit. Despite steroid treatment, the clinical outcome didn't improve. Eight months postoperatively, slit-lamp examination revealed thinning and scarring in the center of the fl ap in the central cornea. The left eye's best corrected visual acuity was 20/32. The patient underwent a surgical procedure of trephining of the scarred fl ap and using Mitomycin C 0.02%. At the fi nal examination after 18 months the BCVA was 20/25. This is the fi rst report on late central corneal scarring after LASIK. Trephinization of the scarred fl ap can restore visual acuity.