The products produced by photofragmentation in a molecular beam of sodium iodide, NaI, are investigated utilizing the technique of resonance ionization spectroscopy for the metal fragment, Na. Time-of-flight mass spectra are recorded, as a function of the wavelength of the resonant excitation step, and in dependence of the laser pulse energy. In particular, the appearance of non-resonantly generated atomic and molecular ions is discussed, highlighting the importance of mass-selective analysis of the ions formed in the interaction volume of the laser and molecular beams.The method of resonance ionization spectroscopy, (RIS), was introduced in the early 1970s for the ultrasensitive detection of atoms. As the name implies, in the technique ions have to be detected; since the collection of ions is usually considerably more sensitive and efficient than collecting photons, RIS is, under certain circumstances, superior to methods based on light detection, like for example, laser-induced fluorescence. Since its early days, the technique of resonance ionization has now developed into a tool which is successfully used in numerous spectroscopic and analytical applications. In particular, this is true when the technique is used for the detection and analysis of molecules; for molecules a variant of the original approach is often employed, namely resonance enhanced multi-photon ionization (REMPI). One of the many examples is the resonance enhanced 2 + 1 multi-photon ionization of molecular halides, X,; the process has been extensively investigated for I, (for example, by Donovan and co-workers). ' The addition of a mass spectrometer to the basic resonance ionization arrangement gives rise to the method of resonance ionization mass spectrometry (RIMS). Using a mass spectrometer, the selectivity provided by the laser excitation/ionization can be improved since one can suppress background ions. For example, unwanted ions may be generated in the sample volume by non-resonant multi-photon ionization when the power density of the laser radiation is sufficiently large. In particular, such unwanted ions may swamp the desired signal if the species under investigation is only a minor constituent of the particles in the interaction volume.Furthermore, ions may also be generated by predissociation of ion-pair states, as is the case for molecular halides. I2 is an example, and when excited near (below and above) its ionization limit, mass analysis reveals a differing ratio between atomic I + and molecular I; ions as a function of laser wavelength (see for example, the work of Wu and Johnson).' This ratio can be used to reveal information about the structure of its molecular levels. Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.larger molecules, for example methyl iodide, using tunable laser r a d i a t i~n .~ Time-of-flight mass spectra reveal differing amounts of various fragments CH; , CH+, C+ and I + , as well as the parent ion CH31+, when the laser wavelength is changed. In this work we describe an experiment in which alkali hal...