Relative erosion rates of the discharge cathode assembly of a 30-cm ion engine are measured using laser-induced fluorescence. Molybdenum and tungsten erosion products are interrogated downstream of the discharge cathode assembly during beam extraction. Erosion of the discharge cathode assembly is characterized for both keepered and unkeepered configurations. The erosion increases with both discharge current and voltage, and spatially resolved measurements agree with observed erosion patterns. Erosion rates are calculated using data from previous wear tests. Magnitudes and trends in the rates are correlated with both previous and subsequent wear tests. Laser-induced fluorescence is demonstrated to be a technique to measure relative internal erosion rates, and a path is identified for measuring absolute rates.
Nomenclature= speed of light, 2:998 10 8 m=s E ij = energy of electronic state i with respect to state j, eV h = Plank's constant, 6:626 10 34 Js f oj = oscillator strength G = gaunt factor g i = degeneracy of state i g = Gaussian line shape, s I = intensity, W=m 2 I SAT = saturation intensity, W=m 2 J D = discharge current, A l = power-broadened line shape, s m C = discharge cathode flow rate, sccm m M = main flow rate, sccm n e = plasma density, cm 3 n i;j = density of state i or j, cm 3 n o = ground-state density, cm 3 P = thruster power, kW R oj = collisional population rate, cm 3 =s T e = electron temperature, eV TH = equivalent NSTAR throttle point V D = discharge voltage, V v = velocity, m=s = homogeneous relaxation rate, Hz = wavelength, m = frequency, Hz = cross section, m 2