Magnetic multilayers
with perpendicular
magnetic anisotropy (PMA) have significant advantages in the development
of spintronic applications. However, currently, the research on the
temperature (T) dependence of magnetization dynamics
is mainly focused on the in-plane magnetized ferromagnetic materials.
In this work, the magnetic properties of the effective PMA field H
keff and intrinsic magnetic damping factor α0 were investigated at various T for the nanoscale
perpendicular multilayers by the time-resolved magneto-optical
Kerr effect approach. It is quite remarkable that both the H
keff and α0 exhibit a peak
value at T ∼ 180 K for thin films of N = 2 and 5. The nonmonotonic variation of H
keff is resulting from the competition between the increased
PMA constant K
u and saturation magnetization
at low T, while the variation of α0 is caused by the coeffect of increased K
u and reduced two-magnon scattering that mainly arises from spin fluctuations
in the magnetic dead layer (MDL) at the Cu/Co interface. In contrast,
for the sample of N = 8 with a thick enough magnetic
layer, K
u plays a dominant role in the
observed variation behaviors within our measurement temperature range,
resulting in a monotonically increased H
keff and α0 with the decrease in T.
Our results reveal that the magnetization dynamics are highly sensitive
to the interfacial MDL at low T, which is of significance
for the applications of practical spintronic devices with ultrafast
control of information operation.