Resonantly absorbing media supporting electromagnetically induced transparency may give rise to specific periodic patterns where a light probe is found to experience a fully developed photonic band gap yet with negligible absorption everywhere. In ultracold atomic samples the gap is found to arise from spatial regions where Autler-Townes splitting and electromagnetically induced transparency alternate with one another and detailed calculations show that accurate and efficient coherent optical control of the gap can be accomplished. The remarkable experimental simplicity of the control scheme would ease quantum nonlinear optics applications. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.073905 PACS numbers: 42.70.Qs, 03.75.ÿb, 42.30.Rx, 42.50.Gy The ability to mold the flow of light in complex photonic structures, of which photonic crystals [1] are the most familiar ones, is a fundamental issue of scientific and practical importance. Photonic crystals are naturally or artificially structured inhomogeneous materials in which the refractive index varies periodically over a length scale comparable to optical wavelengths. Because their periodic structure leads to Bragg scattering of an incident probe light beam, lightwave propagation in such crystals becomes best described in terms of a photonic band structure [2,3] with band gaps where light does not propagate, akin to the electronic band gaps in crystalline solids.The specific spatial dependence of the optical response in typical photonic crystals and the corresponding photonic band structure are determined once and for all by the way the material periodic structure is grown [1]. The need to design and make photonic crystals with predetermined energy bands could, however, be avoided if one could change their band structure by independent means. Some schemes to tune the band gap structure, e.g., have so far relied on slow electro-and thermo-optics effects of infiltrated liquid crystals [4] or on fast resonant and nonresonant optical nonlinearities in semiconductors [5]. In both instances, modifications do not affect the Brillouin zone while the gross features of the photonic bands remain set by the preassembled periodic structure.We here follow a different approach and show that for a certain class of materials a periodic modulation of the medium optical response can actually be created through externally induced optical nonlinearities. Our specific scheme requires highly effective quantum coherence and interference effects to occur as those commonly observed in multilevel configurations leading to electromagnetically induced transparency [6]. In its simplest form such a transparency is exhibited in a three-level ''lambda'' configuration by a probe in the presence of a plane-wave pump beam [7]. The possibility of using instead a standing-wave pump beam anticipated in Ref. [8] is here exploited to generate photonic periodic structures where regions of weak and strong normal dispersion periodically alternate with one another. The Brillouin zone structure and the band properties are...