Uterine fibroids are the most common tumors of the uterus, with a ~70-80% lifetime prevalence in women of childbearing age. Uterus sparing procedures are of increasing interest for the treatment of fibroids to avoid surgical complications, preserve fertility, and reduce treatment costs.Image-guided microwave thermal ablation is under investigation as a minimally-invasive alternative to gold-standard hysterectomy, offering potential to provide symptom alleviation while preserving the patient's fertility. This dissertation presents studies towards the technical feasibility assessment of hysteroscopic transcervical microwave ablation (MWA) technology for treating uterine fibroids with the objective of achieving localized thermal destruction of fibroids while precluding thermal damage to adjacent healthy tissues.Computational models, a powerful tool for the design and evaluation of candidate ablation technologies, require accurate specification of tissue dielectric properties and how these properties vary as a function of temperature during an ablation procedure. The dielectric properties of uterine fibroids within the microwave frequency range have not been previously reported, thus stunting the development of accurate modeling tools. This study presents, for the first time, the dielectric properties within the microwave frequency range (500 MHz to 6 GHz) of human uterine fibroids excised following hysterectomy procedures, and their variation across temperatures ranging between 23-150 ºC. At room temperature (23 ºC), values of ɛr ranged between 44.5-57.5 units with a decreasing trend seen at higher frequencies and ơeff varied between 0.91-6.02 Sm -1 with an increasing trend at higher frequencies. At temperatures close to the water vaporization point, ɛr, drops considerably i.e. to 12-14% of its baseline values for all measured frequencies. The ơeff initially rises till 98 ºC and then falls to 11-13% of its baseline values at 125 ºC for frequencies ≤ 2.45 GHz. The ơeff follows a decreasing trend for frequencies > 2.45 GHz and drops to ~ 6 % of its room temperature values. Furthermore, parametric models of temperature and frequency dependent dielectric properties of uterine fibroids were presented, which can be readily used in computer simulations for accurate modeling of MWA.While MWA applicators are in clinical use for a variety of indications, existing antenna designs are not well suited to ablation of 1 -3 cm type 2 uterine fibroids. Currently 2.45 GHz applicators are used for the MWA of fibroid tissues; these antennas typically have longer active lengths (~7-15 mm) compared to the radius of type 2 fibroids. A higher frequency 5.8 GHz applicator, which was expected to reduce the antenna radiating length was investigated. A 5.8 GHz water-cooled MWA applicator, suitable for insertion into targeted fibroids via the instrument channel of a hysteroscope, was designed for the treatment of small fibroids (1-3 cm diameter) using electromagnetic-bioheat transfer simulations. The prominent features of this applicator are ap...