Industrial Maintenance is seeking to enhance the efficiency of asset usage according to multiple criteria and constraints. Its implementation is facilitated by the application of a range of enabling technologies, termed in this context as e-Maintenance. Integrated e-Maintenance solutions can support a multitude of industrial maintenance procedures, from toplevel management to low-level machinery technical issues. The level of complexity in these procedures varies greatly and requires a multidisciplinary level of skills from the involved personnel. Therefore, e-Maintenance applications can benefit from incorporating e-Learning and e-Support solutions. E-Learning can be an effective training method for maintenance, by providing cost effective, location-independent and easily updated training content. E-Support can be employed to provide technical staff with contextualized information and services in order to aid them with their assigned tasks. The WelCOM e-Maintenance architecture offers a framework that combines a networked infrastructure of intelligent wireless sensors, and a toolset of maintenance support services, linked to a CMMS. In this setting, one of the objectives is to integrate e-Learning in the form of web-based training modules and e-Support, by providing ubiquitous help through mobile devices to technical staff. The web-based learning is tailored to condition monitoring tasks, whereas the e-Support is planned to include instructions, videos, manuals or technical reports, all specially formatted to be delivered by a mobile device (tablet), exploiting its graphic, storage and networking capabilities. In this way, we aim for a smooth acceptance of the new e-Maintenance system, by providing easily accessible and context-depended support for maintenance personnel.