A novel unequal spacing multipulses technology for pulse Laser Radar was proposed in this article. Data accumulation technology is an efficient method to improve signal‐to‐noise ratio due to different statistical characteristics between the echo signal and the noise. Traditional multipulses technology using equal spaces multipulses always leads to outputs once the time window has pulses no matter the number of pulses. We proposed a method using unequal spaces multipulses technology to improve the poor performance of the equal space multipulses technology, that is, if and only if the time window had special number pulses, the novel system would have output signal. We discussed the method to generate unequal spacing multipulses serials first, and then the algorithm to deal with the echo signals was also illustrated. Both simulation and experimental results showed the validity of our algorithm. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 57:1614–1620, 2015