Direct photoexcitation of 1 : 1 aromatic EDA complexes with various N-substituted X-pyridinium cations (X = nitro, fluoro, methoxy and acetoxy) is achieved b y the specific irradiation of their charge-transfer (CT) absorption bands. Time-resolved picosecond spectroscopy refers t o chargetransfer activation by the identification of the aromatic cation radical as the initial transient (T,) formed in a photoinduced electron-transfer together w i t h the X-pyridinyl radical. The homolytic fragmentation of the latter varies with the X-substituent in the order X = NO, > F > AcO > CH30, and the addition of X' to the aromatic donors leads to a series of cyclohexadienyl adducts that are identified as longer -I ived transients (T,) by ti meresolved ( na n osecond/m i crosecond) spectroscopy.The phototransients T, and T, together account for the different types of aromatic product (resulting from ring substitution, side-chain substitution and dimerization) that are generated b y steady-state CT photochemistry of the aromatic EDA complexes w i t h X-pyridinium cations.Electrophilic aromatic substitution can be efficiently carried out with various X-pyridinium salts such as those from X = NO, (nitration),' F (fluorination),2 N O (nitr~sation),~ etc. In the ArH + X-Py' --+ ArX + H-Py' case of N-nitropyridinium cations, we recently showed that electrophilic aromatic nitration proceeds via a multistep pathway involving the pre-equilibrium formation of an electron donor-acceptor (EDA) ~o m p l e x , ~, ~ Scheme 1. ArH + O,NPy+ &% [ArH, O,NPy+] (2) [ArH, O,NPy+] a ArNO, + HPy+ (3) Scheme 1