The coagulation of aqueous ZnO dispersions is investigated at various shear rates, in a shear field generated by stirring in a cylindrical vessel, and at different ~" potential values. Laser Doppler anemometry measurements permitted the construction of a model of the shear field by which average shear rates could be calculated. At low shear rates (~<200 sec-~), the experimental capture efficiencies are independent of the ~" potential (-20 ~" > -3 2 mV). At larger shear rates, the capture efficiencies rise with increasing -~, if the absolute value of the ~-potential is ~<30 mV, due to inertial pseudoforces. These are more effective for irregular than for spherical particles, probably because the penetration of the last liquid film between two particles is easier at edges than at smooth surfaces. This effect, however, can be counteracted by electrostatic repulsion.