Terahertz pulse generation by ultra-intense two-color laser fields ionizing gases with near-to farinfrared carrier wavelength is studied from particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. For long wavelength (10.6 µm) promoting a large ratio of electron density over critical, photoionization is shown to catastrophically enhance the plasma wakefield, causing a net downshift in the optical spectrum and exciting THz fields with tens of GV/m amplitude in the laser direction. This emission is accompanied by coherent transition radiation (CTR) of comparable amplitude due to wakefield-driven electron acceleration. We analytically evaluate the fraction of CTR energy up to 30 % of the total radiated emission including the particle self-field and numerically calibrate the efficiency of the matched blowout regime for electron densities varied over three orders of magnitude. PACS numbers: 52.25.Os,42.65.Re,52.38.Hb The ability of terahertz (THz) waves to probe matter is attracting interest for lots of applications reviewed, e.g., in [1]. Recently, novel challenges such as compact THz electron accelerators [2][3][4] or THz-triggered chemistry [5] raised the need of mJ THz pulses with high field strength > GV/m. Optical rectification in organic crystals [6] or using tilted-pulse-front pumping [7] can achieve percent conversion efficiency and sub-mJ THz energies with few 0.1 GV/m field strengths. These solid-based technologies, however, remain limited by damage thresholds. In contrast, gas plasmas created by intense, two-color laser pulses may supply suitable emitters free of any damage [8]. Electrons are tunnel-ionized by the asymmetric light field usually composed of a near-IR fundamental wavelength (800 nm) and its second harmonic (400 nm). Their "photocurrent" polarized in the laser direction generates a broadband photocurrent-induced radiation (PIR) in the THz range [9]. Nevertheless, two-color setups using moderate intensities ∼ 10 14 W/cm 2 only achieve conversion efficiencies < 10 −3 and µJ energies [10,11].In the relativistic regime, however, when the normalized vector potential a 0 ≡ 8.5×10 −10 I 1/2 0 [W/cm 2 ]λ 0 [µm] is larger than unity (I 0 is the intensity and λ 0 denotes the laser wavelength), plasma waves trigger a strong longitudinal field exploited for laser-wakefield acceleration (LWFA) [12]. Accelerated electrons crossing the plasmavacuum interface can then emit coherent transition radiation (CTR) operating in the THz band. Leemans et al. [13,14] reported THz energy of 3-5 nJ per pulse measured from a dense gas jet of helium. Theoretical estimates assuming a Boltzmann distribution of 4.6 MeV confirmed this energy yield and anticipated the possibility to provide few 100 µJ energies by increasing the electron bunch to tens of MeV and/or the plasma diameter to mm scales. Record values were later achieved in numerical simulations from which CTR took over PIR by delivering conversion efficiencies > 5 × 10 −3 and mJ THz pulse energies [15]. Such performances have been reached in laser-solid experiments [16,17].Besides...