Rising sea levels and increased storminess are expected to accelerate the erosion of soft-cliff coastlines, threatening coastal infrastructure and livelihoods. To develop predictive models of future coastal change we need fundamentally to know how rapidly coasts have been eroding in the past, and to understand the driving mechanisms of coastal change. Direct observations of cliff retreat rarely extend beyond 150 y, during which humans have significantly modified the coastal system. Cliff retreat rates are unknown in prior centuries and millennia. In this study, we derived retreat rates of chalk cliffs on the south coast of Great Britain over millennial time scales by coupling high-precision cosmogenic radionuclide geochronology and rigorous numerical modeling. Measured 10 Be concentrations on rocky coastal platforms were compared with simulations of coastal evolution using a Monte Carlo approach to determine the most likely history of cliff retreat. The 10 Be concentrations are consistent with retreat rates of chalk cliffs that were relatively slow (2-6 cm·y −1 ) until a few hundred years ago. Historical observations reveal that retreat rates have subsequently accelerated by an order of magnitude (22-32 cm·y −1 ). We suggest that acceleration is the result of thinning of cliff-front beaches, exacerbated by regional storminess and anthropogenic modification of the coast.geomorphology | coasts | cosmogenic radionuclides | erosion | cliffs R ocky coasts are "erosional environments formed as a result of the landward retreat of bedrock at the shoreline" (1). They leave scant evidence of any previous state, making it difficult to interpret their history. Cliff retreat is driven by a combination of wave-driven cliff-base erosion, subaerial weathering, and mass wasting processes, whose efficiencies are dependent on lithology and climate. Sediment generated by mass wasting processes such as abrasion, plucking, landslides, and rockfalls tends to be reworked and transported away by waves and currents, particularly for softer rock types.Cliff erosion due to mass wasting threatens livelihoods and both public and private clifftop infrastructure and development; quantitative estimates of the rate of cliff retreat are necessary to assess the associated risk. Rising sea levels and increased storminess may lead to accelerated coastal erosion rates in the future, potentially increasing hazard exposure (2-5). To accurately assess coastal hazards in the face of future climate and land-use changes, it is necessary to understand the dynamics of cliff erosion over length and time scales relevant to the processes that drive change. To establish the context for modern change, we must quantify the natural variability and the long-term behavior of cliff retreat. Historical records are too short to allow us to do this: they typically span no longer than ∼150 y (6, 7), which can be less than the characteristic return period of significant coastal failures (8), and they coincide with the period over which humans have significantly modified th...