“…Therefore, new SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages (RochaCampos et al, 2011, p. 9, Figure 6) from tuffs recorded at the top of the Itararé Group (Rio do Sul Formation) indicate that this portion of the Late Paleozoic succession of the Paraná Basin was deposited during the Asselian. Hence, the age of the section containing the studied fauna is sound with the age and biocorrelations with the Bonetian fauna of Argentina, as already suggested by other authors (Rocha-Campos and Rösler, 1978;González, 1997;Simões, Anelli, RochaCampos, 1998;Pagani, 1998Pagani, , 2000. Finally, based on their mutual faunal content, both the Butiá and Baitaca assemblages are, indeed, an evident record of members of Eurydesma-fauna within the Late Paleozoic succession of Paraná Basin.…”