Ana GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ , Marcos VAQUEIRO-RODRÍGUEZ , Esteban GUITIÁN-FERNÁNDEZ & Aurora GRANDAL-D'ANGLADE consequent drop in sea level opened up a narrow territory on the emerging continental platform; it has been called the "northern corridor" (Grandal-d'Anglade et al., 1997;López-González, 2003;Álvarez-Lao & García, 2010, 2011a and it allowed for the transit of the fauna towards the territories located further south, such as Galicia and Portugal, avoiding the harsh conditions of the Castilian Plateau. However, in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula, the nature of the lithological substrate constrains the location of fossil remains. There is a clear association between Pleistocene fauna deposits and karstic (limestone) outcrops, more abundant in the eastern zone, but scarce in Galicia (Parga Pondal et al., 1982; Grandald'Anglade et al., 1997).