Objective To review all late terminations of pregnancy, between 22 +0 and 26 +6 weeks of gestation, collected as part of the EPICure2 study.Design Prospective cohort study.Setting All National Health Service (NHS) hospitals providing perinatal services for extremely preterm infants.Population All births between 22 +0 and 26 +6 weeks of gestation in England during 2006.Methods Data were collected for the defined cohort of births, including terminations of pregnancy, by designated unit staff using a standardised questionnaire. Rigorous validation processes were established to ensure comprehensive data collection. Gestational age was validated using a hierarchical classification of scan dates, certain date of last menstrual period and working gestation. Data for terminations of pregnancy (TOPs) were categorised into two groups, terminations for fetal abnormality and for maternal or fetal compromise, and were analysed in terms of their reporting, management and outcomes. Conclusion Terminations of pregnancy represent a relatively large proportion of very preterm births. Fetal abnormalities are the main cause for these terminations, and most include feticide. Better screening strategies are required to avoid the need for late terminations of pregnancy for fetal abnormalities.