“…Despite state and federal guidelines recommending LTBI testing for populations with a high risk for LTBI and TB transmission, including those living in LTCFs, Reddy and colleagues report that only 63% of residents in three inner-city LTCFs in the Boston area received LTBI testing despite those facilities serving a population at high risk (e.g., 48% with diabetes, 38% foreign-born, and 33% with chronic kidney disease). 7 Upon closer examination, one facility apparently accounted for the greatest proportion of missed testing opportunities, with only 28% of eligible residents tested; however, none of the three facilities had 100% testing for eligible residents, even among residents staying 3 months or longer as recommended by Massachusetts TB guidance in effect at the time of that study. 7 This potential gap in LTBI detection is of particular concern, given that among persons with tuberculin skin test (TST) results, the prevalence of LTBI was 20%, including 8% with a new positive TST result documented during the current LTCF stay.…”