Oceanic Pn/Sn waves, which are often referred to as Po/So, are characterized by high-frequency (>2 Hz) arrivals with a long coda that travel for more than 2,000 km across the Pacific (Walker & Sutton, 1971). Fine-scale heterogeneity in the oceanic lithosphere with much longer horizontal than vertical correlation length produces multiple forward scattering of high-frequency waves within the lamella that guide high-frequency signals for large distances. The scattering waveguide effect of the heterogeneous lithosphere is further reinforced by seawater trapped P waves that interacts with Po and So at the seafloor .The propagation and attenuation properties of Po/So depends strongly on the thickness of the lithospheric waveguide. Propagation is efficient in the thick, old (120 Ma) northwest part of the Pacific Plate. However, attenuation is significant in propagation across the thin, younger (30 Ma) Philippine-Sea Plate Shito et al., 2013). The Po/So propagation intensity has a positive relationship with the age of the Pacific plate, that is the thickness of oceanic lithosphere (Kennett et al., 2014) and is also the case with the Philippine-Sea plate (Shito et al., 2015). Kennett and Furumura (2013) demonstrated that the general properties of oceanic Po and So traveling through the scattering waveguide can be captured by a stochastic heterogeneity model for the lithospheric mantle with much longer horizontal correlation distance (a h = 10 km) than in the vertical direction (a z = 0.5 km). A suitable description is provided by, for example, the von Kármán stochastic random heterogeneity model (e.g., see Frankel & Clayton, 1986) with 2% standard deviation of the root-mean-square