The hippocampus has a well-documented role for spatial navigation across species, but its role for spatial memory in nonnavigational tasks is uncertain. In particular, when monkeys are tested in tasks that do not require navigation, spatial memory seems unaffected by lesions of the hippocampus. However, the interpretation of these results is compromised by long-term compensatory adaptation occurring in the days and weeks after lesions. To test the hypothesis that hippocampus is necessary for nonnavigational spatial memory, we selected a technique that avoids long-term compensatory adaptation. We transiently disrupted hippocampal function acutely at the time of testing by microinfusion of the glutamate receptor antagonist kynurenate. Animals were tested on a self-ordered spatial memory task, the Hamilton Search Task. In the task, animals are presented with an array of eight boxes, each containing a food reinforcer; one box may be opened per trial, with trials separated by a delay. Only the spatial location of the boxes serves as a cue to solve the task. The optimal strategy is to open each box once without returning to previously visited locations. Transient inactivation of hippocampus reduced performance to chance levels in a delay-dependent manner. In contrast, no deficits were seen when boxes were marked with nonspatial cues (color). These results clearly document a role for hippocampus in nonnavigational spatial memory in macaques and demonstrate the efficacy of pharmacological inactivation of this structure in this species. Our data bring the role of the hippocampus in monkeys into alignment with the broader framework of hippocampal function.A lthough a role for the hippocampus in navigational spatial memory has been well documented in many species, including humans (1-4), rodents (5, 6), and monkeys (7-9), a role for hippocampus in nonnavigational spatial memory is less certain. Because nonhuman primates have a close neuroanatomical and behavioral homology to humans, they offer a unique opportunity to assess the neural substrates of spatial memory using nonnavigational tasks. However, studies using nonnavigational spatial tasks with nonhuman primates have found little or no effect of hippocampal lesions (10-15).The ability of hippocampal-lesioned monkeys to perform these tasks without impairment has been explained by the reliance on a strategy that is not dependent on hippocampus. Whereas the use of allocentric (world-centered) cues depends on the hippocampus, it is thought that the use of egocentric (body-centered) cues does not. Indeed, it has been suggested that the use of egocentric cues is supported by extrahippocampal substrates including striatum and parietal cortex (15)(16)(17)(18).Following a hippocampal lesion, subjects may learn to resolve a given task by developing a strategy distinct from that used in the presence of an intact hippocampus. Several factors may support this compensatory strategy, including (i) postlesion training or retraining and (ii) postlesion network reorganization (19-21). T...