Clusters, consisting of a small number of atoms, have been in the focus of physical and chemical research for several decades. They often show dramatic size effects. The addition of a single atoms can change their properties rather abruptly because of, for example, the discreteness of shell filling (Knight et al., 1984) or sphere-packing effects (Echt et al., 1981). When clusters become larger and reach the nanometre scale, other effects are observed, such as quantum confinement; The intense red fluorescence observed for nanostructured silicon (Canham, 1990;Cullis and Canham, 1991;Wilson et al., 1993;Lockwood, 1994;Cullis et al., 1997) is a popular and frequently cited example of this effect.The discovery of fluorescent nanoscale silicon at room temperature by Canham (Canham, 1990) increased the already quite intense research into silicon clusters where n is the principal quantum number,h the reduced Planck (or Dirac) constant and m e the electron mass. The quantum number, n, is indexed from n = 1, and the energy difference E(n = 2) and E(n = 1) would be equivalent to the fluorescence energy from the first excited state to the ground state.The analogy of the one-dimensional model can be straightforwardly extended