Exact calculations are performed on the two-dimensional strongly interacting, unpolarized, uniform Fermi gas with a zero-range attractive interaction. Two auxiliary-field approaches are employed which accelerate the sampling of imaginary-time paths using BCS trial wave functions and a force bias technique. Their combination enables calculations on large enough lattices to reliably compute ground-state properties in the thermodynamic limit. A new equation of state is obtained, with a parametrization provided, which can serve as a benchmark and allow accurate comparisons with experiments. The pressure, contact parameter, and condensate fraction are determined systematically vs. kF a. The momentum distribution, pairing correlation, and the structure of the pair wave function are computed. The use of force bias to accelerate the Metropolis sampling of auxiliary-fields in determinantal approaches is discussed. Exact results on fundamental models are uncommon, especially for strongly interacting fermion systems. In the rare cases where they exist (for example in onedimensional models by Bethe ansatz or density matrix renormalization group [1, 2]), they have invariably played an integral role in bringing about physical insights, advancing our understanding, and serving as benchmarks for the development of new theoretical and computational approaches.The Fermi gas with a zero-range attractive interactions is a model for strongly interacting fermions which has generated a great deal of research activities [3,4]. The model is of interest in both condensed matter and nuclear physics. As a model it is rather unique in that, thanks to advances in experimental techniques using ultracold atoms, it can be realized in a laboratory with great precision and control [4,5].In three-dimensions (3D) the interplay between experiment, theory and computation has lead to rapid advances [6][7][8][9]. An example is seen in the evolution [10] of the determination of the so-called Bertsch parameter at unitarity. Quantitative comparisons have allowed validation of our understanding and provided an impetus for developments of both experimental and theoretical techniques. The remarkable level of agreement achieved recently between calculation [8] and experiment [7] demonstrates the tremendous progress towards precise understanding and control of strongly correlated quantum matter.The two-dimensional (2D) Fermi gas has attracted considerable recent interest [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19], especially with its experimental realization using highly anisotropic trapping potentials [20]. In 2D a bound state always exists, and the BCS-BEC cross-over offers rich possibilities between the interplay of inter-particle spacing (density) and interaction strength, where effects beyond the mean-field description will be more pronounced than in 3D. Interest in this model is further enhanced by the 2D nature of many of the most interesting and complex materials, including high-T c cuprate superconductors and topological superconductors [21].In this paper, ...