We investigate the Bieri-Neumann-Strebel-Renz (BNSR) invariants of irreducible uniform lattices in the product of IsompE n q and AutpT q or Autp r S L q, where T is locally finite tree and r S L is the universal cover of the Salvetti complex of the right-angled Artin group on the graph L. In the case of a tree we show that vanishing of the BNSR invariants for all finite-index subgroups of a given uniform lattice is equivalent to irreducibility. In the case of the Salvetti complex we construct irreducible uniform lattices whose BNSR invariants are related to those of certain right-angled Artin groups. These appear to be the first examples of irreducible lattices in a non-trivial product admitting characters with arbitrary finiteness properties.