In this paper, we propose a generalization for the class of laura algebras, called almost laura. We show that this new class of algebras retains most of the essential features of laura algebras, especially concerning the important role played by the non-semiregular components in their Auslander-Reiten quivers. Also, we study more intensively the left supported almost laura algebras, showing that these are characterized by the presence of a generalized standard, convex and faithful component. Finally, we prove that almost laura algebras behave well with respect to full subcategories, split-by-nilpotent extensions and skew group algebras.In the representation theory of algebras, a prevalent technique consists of modifying certain features of a well-known family of algebras in order to obtain one whose representation theory is, to a large extent, predictable. For instance, in [22], Happel, Reiten and Smalø defined the quasitilted algebras (that is the endomorphism algebras of tilting objects over a hereditary abelian category), thus obtaining a common treatment of both the classes of tilted and canonical algebras. To overcome some difficulties caused by the categorical language, they introduced the left and the right parts of the module category of an algebra A, respectively denoted L A and R A . They showed that an algebra A is quasitilted if and only if its global dimension is at most two and any indecomposable A-module lies in L A ∪ R A .